We care for people at every stage of life
Welcome to The Hutchins School portal
Welcome to The Hutchins School and St Michael’s Collegiate portal
This is our online sales portal.
To access this site, you'll first need to register. Please click on New User to start the process.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: You need to enter a REGISTRATION KEY CODE during the registration process. This code will have been supplied to you by your administration.
For all assistance, please email sales@asi.com.au and ensure to identify yourself as a user of The Hutchins School and St Michael’s Collegiate portal.
This portal is operated by ASI Solutions and is exclusive to The Hutchins School and St Michael’s Collegiate.
To access this site, you'll first need to register. Please click on New User where you will be prompted to enter your First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, and Registration Key Code.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Make sure the REGISTRATION KEY CODE matches the code you have been supplied by your administration. Should you have issues locating the Registration Key Code please email sales@asi.com.au for assistance.
This portal is operated by ASI Solutions and is exclusive to Mercy Heath staff.
Any questions or special hardware requests can be emailed to sales@asi.com.au, and please ensure to identify yourself as a Mercy Health employee.